Tagged: johnkhor.com pageviews

Google Analytics: www.johnkhor.com hits 4348 pageviews a day 6

My Pageviews Per Day passed 4000 mark & Unique Visitors Per Day passed 2000 mark!!!

www.johnkhor.com has reached another milestone! 4348 pageviews a day and 2366 absolute unique visitors a day. I am a super duper happy boy!!! Thank you very much! ありがとう! 谢谢! Salamat! Terima Kasih! Je vous remercie! Vielen Dank! Grazie! 감사합니다! Obrigado! Спасибо! Gracias! Tack! ขอบคุณ! Cảm ơn bạn!

Google Analytics: www.johnkhor.com hits 1301 pageviews a day 4

My Pageviews Per Day passed 800 mark & Unique Visitors Per Day passed 600 mark!!!

On November 11, 2010, I was a happy boy as my pageviews and absolute unique visitors a day passed the 300 mark. That time, I wrote that I hope to get 800 pageviews and 600 absolute unique visitors pageviews a day. After 7 days, my wish got fulfilled. Thanks everyone, my readers and also my one-time-visitors. Hope you find my blog useful.

www.johnkhor.com Statistics for October 2010 2

My Pageviews Per Day & Unique Visitors Per Day crossed 100 mark!!!

Thanks to BlogFest Asia 2010 and also for winning the Let’s Blog about Penang contest, my pageviews per day crossed the 100 pageviews per day mark. This is information is coming from my Site Stats (Wordpress.com Stats plugin). I am not sure whether it’s 100% accurate but I am very happy.