Tagged: motorola xoom malaysia

Maxis bundles Motorola Xoom with Motorola Defy 0

Maxis is selling Motorola Xoom for RM2,499!!!

Motorola Xoom will be available for sale on May 6th, 2011 at the price tag of RM2,499.

You might be shocked with the price because US$599 conversion to RM is around RM1790++. Actually, Maxis bundles Motorola Xoom and Motorola Defy for a price of RM2,499. Motorola Defy is sold at the price of RM1599, contract-free when it’s launched last year Dec 2010.

Maxis Motorola Xoom Malaysia 0

Maxis Motorola Xoom launch date in Malaysia CONFIRMED!!! This Thursday, April 28, 2011!!!

Yeah. Just read in soyacincau.com about Motorola Xoom launch date.
They have received media invitation to Maxis Motorola Xoom launch on Thursday, April 28, 2011. How will Maxis bundle their data plans with Motorola Xoom as currently only WiFi model of Motorola Xoom is available still remains an interesting question. Don’t worry, in 2 more days, we will know about it. You have waited for so long already, right? Why don’t wait extra 2 more days? 😛

Motorola Xoom ROI by Maxis 2

ROI for Motorola Xoom is available for Maxis!

Yup. You can now do a Registration of Interest (ROI) for Motorola Xoom through Maxis website.

Soon after launching HTC Flyer, Maxis opens ROI for Motorola Xoom. Isn’t this amazing? Maxis is certainly doing a lot of work to bring all the amazing gadgets into Malaysia. No news about other telcos doing any launching of new gadgets except maybe Celcom might be bringing in RIM’s tablet, Playbook.