IKEA @ The Curve

We visited IKEA 3 times during our 1 week training at SS2, PJ. That’s our obssesion for IKEA! The 3 trips to IKEA is minimum 3 hours and above. Are we crazy? Looking for furniture for 3 hours? If shopping around One Utama or Mid Valley still understandable, but IKEA? That’s our craze for IKEA.

Makan IKEA. Minum IKEA. Jalan IKEA. Tidur IKEA. Duduk IKEA! Hidup IKEA! Haha.

My girlfriend loved IKEA a lot. When I say a lot, it really means a lot. Every trip down to KL, sure we will go to IKEA. Once in IKEA, sure will eat either the meatball, ham & cheese sandwich, vegetarian pasta or spaghetti with tomato sauce and coffee! I love the lingonberry sauce in the meatball. It’s so nice. And ya the coffee, I love the cappucino. It’s very nice. After makan, sure will buy some stuffs from IKEA. Sometimes until the whole car is full. Cannot miss one. It’s like we owe IKEA during our last life. That’s our Chinese saying. ‘Wa lang kiam IKEA eh

One of the things that I have noticed is that Malaysian loved IKEA a lot. During weekends, the place is jam-packed. In Chinese, we say it, ‘Ren shan, ren hai’. People mountain, people sea. It means that full of people. My friends in KL always say, ‘If you want to go to IKEA during weekends, you must go there early in the morning(around 10am – 11am), if not sure jam one.’ That’s why we always go there early or during weekdays.

Last week was also the 1st time I tried the curry puff there. I had been reading in the Internet about how good IKEA curry puff is. Finally, when I managed to eat IT, it’s heaven. The curry puff is really nice. It has a slice of egg inside it. The curry spice is really nice. You should really try it when you are there. We bought 3-4 1/2 dozens IKEA curry puff during our last week’s trip.

One more thing, the ice cream. I had about 3-4 IKEA ice-cream. It tasted different from Mc Donald’s sundae cone. IKEA’s ice cream less sweet and creamier. It is very nice! And more over. it’s only RM1 without any taxes. Nett RM1. A must have when you go to IKEA.

We went there and ‘sapu’ many things to decorate our home. Oh ya, we ordered EKTORP 3 seater sofa after a 1/2 year research. More about it next time.

Any comment about IKEA?

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