Two More New iPad 2 Commercial, ‘Learn’ and ‘We’ll Always’

Well, I always like to watch Apple commercials for its products. It just felt very nice. How they manage to stir up your emotion and how they pass their message in just 30 seconds. It’s just amazing. Here’s the two latest iPad 2 ad from Apple. Enjoy!

iPad 2 Ad: ‘Learn’

iPad 2 Ad: ‘We’ll Always’

Love some of the apps that I saw in the commercials. Anyone know any of the apps in this commercial? 🙂

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3 Responses

  1. John Khor says:

    Aizuddin Danian, bought iPad 2 dee?

  2. See my latest blog post.

  3. John Khor says:

    Yeah, read that already… Welcome to the iPad Club. Look out in blog for iPad 2 related post. 🙂

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